ARP 1/2 WHEEL STUD .680 X 3.125
BRAND: ARP fasteners
Competition Wheel Studs
Suit Chrysler Rear, 1/2" Thread (5-Pack)
A= .680
L1= 3.125
L2= .400
L3= .400
Competition Wheel Studs
Suit Honda 1997 & Later, Extended Length M12 X 1.5 Thread (5-Pack)
A= .485
L1= 2.850
L2= .275
L3= .350
Competition Wheel Studs
Suit Mitsubishi Lancer EVO VIII M12 X 1.5 Thread (5-Pack)
A= .565
L1= 3.000
L2= .270
L3= .350
Valve Cover Stud Kit, 12-Point Nut S/S
Suit Aluminium Valve Covers 1/4-20 Thread x 1.500" OAL (14-Pack)
Main Stud Kit, 2-Bolt Main Hex Nut
Suit SB/BB Chrysler 318-440 Wedge
There Are Many Important Reaso ns To Use Arp Main Stud Kits, Including The Elimination Of M ain Cap Walk And Fretting, As Well As Protecting The Threads In Your Engine Block. The Stu ds Are Manufactured In Our Own Factory Using The Best Materi als, Processes, Designs And En gineering. Every Arp Main Stud Kit Exceeds The Most Stringen t Aerospace Specifications. Al l Kits Come Complete With Para llel-ground Washers And Aerosp ace Quality Nuts. Some Applica tions Have Provisions For Moun ting Windage Trays And Have Sp ecially Designed Standoff Stud s With Serrated Lock Nuts To P osition The Windage Tray And L ock It Securely In Place. The Studs Are Manufactured From 87 40 Chrome Moly Steel, Heat-tre ated In-house To 200,000 Psi T ensile Strength, And Precision J-form Threads Rolled After H eat-treat To Create A Fastener That Has Threads 1000% Strong er Than Others. Don't Settle F or Anything Less Than The Best . Insist On Genuine Arp Studs. you'll Find The Name Stamped Right On The End!
Valve Cover Stud Kit, 12-Point Nut Black Oxide
Suit Aluminium Valve Covers 1/4-20 Thread x 1.500" OAL (12-Pack)
To ensure proper sealing of valve covers, ARP manufactures a variety of special application-specific bolt and stud kits. Many professional engine builders prefer to use studs because of their ability to properly position the gasket and guide the cover into position. ARP offers studs and bolts in a choice of chrome moly steel with a black oxide finish or stainless steel. You have a choice between conventional hex head bolts and nuts or compact, easy access 12-point designs. The nuts feature a wide base for better load distribution and sealing, while the compact head is easily accessed. Stud kits come complete with nuts and washers, while bolt kits are shipped with the required flat washers.
Oil Pan Stud Kit, Hex Nut Black Oxide
Suit SB Ford 289-302-351 Windsor & 302-351 Cleveland
Oil Pan Stud Kit, Hex Nut Black Oxide
Suit SB Ford 289-302-351 Windosr & 302-351 Cleveland
Oil Pan Stud Kit, 12-Point Nut Black Oxide
Suit SB Ford 289-302-351 Windosr & 302-351 Cleveland
Harmonic Balancer Bolt, 12-Point Black Oxide
Suit GM LS Series (Not LS7) M16 X 2.0 Thread x 4.325" UHL, 1-1/16" Socket
As The Crankshaft Flexes And T wists, The Balancer Absorbs In credible Amounts Of Kinetic En ergy. To Ensure That The Balan cer Is Locked In Position Arp Has Developed These Ultra Stro ng 200,000 Psi Bolts That Let You Exert Maximum Clamping For ce. Special Features Include 1 /4 Thick, Wide Area Washer And An Extra Tall 12-point Head T hat Accepts A Deep Socket And Aliminates The Worry Of Stripp ing The Head.
Head Stud Kit, 12-Point Nut
Suit SB Chev With 23° Heads
Engine Application:
23° OEM cast iron and aluminium Chevrolet
Gen III Vortec/Truck; LT1 Airflow Research
Brodix -8,-10,-11, and Dart II
most Edelbrock
Trick Flow
most World Products iron and aluminium heads
Head Stud Kit, 12-Point Nut
Suit Chev Gen III LS Series (2003 & Earlier)
It Is For Good Reason That Vir tually Every Top Professional Engine Builder Relies On Arp P ro Series Head Studs For Their All-out Competition Powerplan ts. Simply Stated, There's Not A Better Stud Set Up On The M arket Today. For Openers, Arp Uses A Premium Grade 8740 Allo y That Is Rated Far Superior T o Aircraft Quality. Then Each Stud Is Placed Vertically In S pecial Racks And Precisely Hea t Treated To 200,000 Psi. This Procedure Ensures Complete He at Penetration And The Results Are Far Superior To Those Les ser Quality Studs From Other M anufacturers Who Just Dump Pie ces In A Basket And Hope For T he Best. You Will Also Note Th at Arp Offers Specially Underc ut Studs For Several Engines. This Procedure (done Only To T he Shorter Studs) More Equaliz es The Stretch Of Both Studs, Which Makes For A More Consist ent Clamping Force - And One T hat Compensates For Head Gaske t Compression When The Cylinde rs Are Installed. This Helps P revent Blown Head Gaskets, And Assures Optimum Sealing! Arp Head Stud Kits Are Available W ith Your Choice Of Conventiona l Hex Nuts Or Compact 12-point Nuts. Premium Quality Ground
Head Stud Kit, 12-Point Nut
Suit Chev Gen III LS Series (2004-On) Studs All Same Length
Main Stud Kit, 4-Bolt Main
Suit GM LS Series & GMPP LSX Block
There Are Many Important Reaso ns To Use Arp Main Stud Kits, Including The Elimination Of M ain Cap Walk And Fretting, As Well As Protecting The Threads In Your Engine Block. The Stu ds Are Manufactured In Our Own Factory Using The Best Materi als, Processes, Designs And En gineering. Every Arp Main Stud Kit Exceeds The Most Stringen t Aerospace Specifications. Al l Kits Come Complete With Para llel-ground Washers And Aerosp ace Quality Nuts. Some Applica tions Have Provisions For Moun ting Windage Trays And Have Sp ecially Designed Standoff Stud s With Serrated Lock Nuts To P osition The Windage Tray And L ock It Securely In Place. The Studs Are Manufactured From 87 40 Chrome Moly Steel, Heat-tre ated In-house To 200,000 Psi T ensile Strength, And Precision J-form Threads Rolled After H eat-treat To Create A Fastener That Has Threads 1000% Strong er Than Others. Don't Settle F or Anything Less Than The Best . Insist On Genuine Arp Studs. you'll Find The Name Stamped R ight On
Oil Pan Stud Kit, 12-Point Nut Black Oxide
Suit Suit BB Chev With Standard 2-Piece Style Gasket
BLOWER STUD KIT 7/16 x 2.88
Break-Away Blower Stud Kit, 12-Point Nut
Anodized Blue
Manufactured From Premium-qual ity Aluminium. Designed To Min imise Damage To Either Manifol d Or Blower Housing During Une xpected Blower Explosions - Th ese Break-away Blower Studs Ar e Designed To Allow Separation Of Manifold And Blower. Kit C omes Complete With 12-point, A erospace Quality Nuts And Appr opriate Parallel-ground And Ha rdened Washers. Studs Are Anod ised Blue Or Red.
BLOWER STUD KIT 7/16 x 2.5
Break-Away Blower Stud Kit, 12-Point Nut
Anodized Red
Manufactured From Premium-qual ity Aluminium. Designed To Min imise Damage To Either Manifol d Or Blower Housing During Une xpected Blower Explosions - Th ese Break-away Blower Studs Ar e Designed To Allow Separation Of Manifold And Blower. Kit C omes Complete With 12-point, A erospace Quality Nuts And Appr opriate Parallel-ground And Ha rdened Washers. Studs Are Anod ised Blue Or Red.
WHEEL STUD 7/16 X .486 X 3.165
Competition Wheel Studs
Suit Late GM Drum Brakes, 7/16" Thread (5-Pack)
WHEEL STUDS 7/16 .580 x 3.200 UHL
Competition Wheel Studs
Suit Late GM Disc Brake & Early Drum Brake, 7/16" Thread (5-Pack)
WHEEL STUDS 1/2 X 3.5'x .625 (5 PACK)
Competition Wheel Studs
Suit Ford Rear Disc Brakes / Chrysler Front, 1/2" Thread (5-Pack)
Competition Wheel Studs
Suit Aftermarket Axles With 12-Point Head, 1/2" Thread (5-Pack)
WHEEL STUDS 12MM X 1.5 2.5"
Competition Wheel Studs
Suit GM Camaro, Firebird, Corvette, Holden - Late Model M12 X 1.5 Thread (5-Pack)
Main Stud Kit, 2-Bolt Main
Suit Holden 6cyl Red, Blue, Black Motor
There Are Many Important Reaso ns To Use Arp Main Stud Kits, Including The Elimination Of M ain Cap Walk And Fretting, As Well As Protecting The Threads In Your Engine Block. The Stu ds Are Manufactured In Our Own Factory Using The Best Materi als, Processes, Designs And En gineering. Every Arp Main Stud Kit Exceeds The Most Stringen t Aerospace Specifications. Al l Kits Come Complete With Para llel-ground Washers And Aerosp ace Quality Nuts. Some Applica tions Have Provisions For Moun ting Windage Trays And Have Sp ecially Designed Standoff Stud s With Serrated Lock Nuts To P osition The Windage Tray And L ock It Securely In Place. The Studs Are Manufactured From 87 40 Chrome Moly Steel, Heat-tre ated In-house To 200,000 Psi T ensile Strength, And Precision J-form Threads Rolled After H eat-treat To Create A Fastener That Has Threads 1000% Strong er Than Others. Don't Settle F or Anything Less Than The Best . Insist On Genuine Arp Studs. you'll Find The Name Stamped R ight On The End!
Head Stud Kit, Hex Nut
Suit SB Chev With 23° Heads
Engine Application:
23° OEM cast iron and aluminium Chevrolet
Gen III Vortec/Truck; LT1 Airflow Research
Brodix -8,-10,-11, Track I
Dart Sportsman and Dart II
most Edelbrock
Trick Flow
most World Products iron and aluminium heads
Main Stud Kit, 2-Bolt Main Hex Nut
Suit SB Chev With Large Journal
There Are Many Important Reaso ns To Use Arp Main Stud Kits, Including The Elimination Of M ain Cap Walk And Fretting, As Well As Protecting The Threads In Your Engine Block. The Stu ds Are Manufactured In Our Own Factory Using The Best Materi als, Processes, Designs And En gineering. Every Arp Main Stud Kit Exceeds The Most Stringen t Aerospace Specifications. Al l Kits Come Complete With Para llel-ground Washers And Aerosp ace Quality Nuts. Some Applica tions Have Provisions For Moun ting Windage Trays And Have Sp ecially Designed Standoff Stud s With Serrated Lock Nuts To P osition The Windage Tray And L ock It Securely In Place. The Studs Are Manufactured From 87 40 Chrome Moly Steel, Heat-tre ated In-house To 200,000 Psi T ensile Strength, And Precision J-form Threads Rolled After H eat-treat To Create A Fastener That Has Threads 1000% Strong er Than Others. Don't Settle F or Anything Less Than The Best . Insist On Genuine Arp Studs. you'll Find The Name Stamped R ight On The End!
Main Stud Kit
Suit Ford BA-BF XR6 4.0L L6, 2-Bolt Main
There are many important reasons to use ARP main stud kits, including the elimination of main cap walk and fretting, as well as protecting the threads in your engine block. All kits come complete with hardened parallel-ground washers and high quality nuts. Some applications have provisions for mounting windage trays and have specially designed stand-off studs with serrated lock nuts to position the windage tray and lock it securely in place. The studs are manufactured from 8740 chrome moly steel, heat-treated in-house to 200,000 psi tensile strength, and precision J-form threads rolled after heat-treat to create a fastener that has threads 2000% stronger than others.
FORD 289-302W HSK
Head Stud Kit, Hex Nut
Suit SB Ford 289-302 Windsor 5.0L OEM Heads Or AFR 185 With 7/16" Holes
It Is For Good Reason That Vir tually Every Top Professional Engine Builder Relies On Arp P ro Series Head Studs For Their All-out Competition Powerplan ts. Simply Stated, There's Not A Better Stud Set Up On The M arket Today. For Openers, Arp Uses A Premium Grade 8740 Allo y That Is Rated Far Superior T o Aircraft Quality. Then Each Stud Is Placed Vertically In S pecial Racks And Precisely Hea t Treated To 200,000 Psi. This Procedure Ensures Complete He at Penetration And The Results Are Far Superior To Those Les ser Quality Studs From Other M anufacturers Who Just Dump Pie ces In A Basket And Hope For T he Best. You Will Also Note Th at Arp Offers Specially Underc ut Studs For Several Engines. This Procedure (done Only To T he Shorter Studs) More Equaliz es The Stretch Of Both Studs, Which Makes For A More Consist ent Clamping Force - And One T hat Compensates For Head Gaske t Compression When The Cylinde rs Are Installed. This Helps Prevent Blown Head Gaskets
Head Stud Kit, Hex Nut
Suit SB Ford 351 Windsor OEM & Aftermarket Heads With 1/2" Stud
Head Application
Factory OEM Heads
M-6049-J302 SVO High Port
M-6049-L302 GT-40 Style
Edelbrock Aluminium
Dart Iron Heads
FORD 302-351C HSK
Head Stud Kit, Hex Nuts
Ford 302-351 Cleveland
It Is For Good Reason That Vir tually Every Top Professional Engine Builder Relies On Arp P ro Series Head Studs For Their All-out Competition Powerplan ts. Simply Stated, There's Not A Better Stud Set Up On The M arket Today. For Openers, Arp Uses A Premium Grade 8740 Allo y That Is Rated Far Superior T o Aircraft Quality. Then Each Stud Is Placed Vertically In S pecial Racks And Precisely Hea t Treated To 200,000 Psi. This Procedure Ensures Complete He at Penetration And The Results Are Far Superior To Those Les ser Quality Studs From Other M anufacturers Who Just Dump Pie ces In A Basket And Hope For T he Best. You Will Also Note Th at Arp Offers Specially Underc ut Studs For Several Engines. This Procedure (done Only To T he Shorter Studs) More Equaliz es The Stretch Of Both Studs, Which Makes For A More Consist ent Clamping Force - And One T hat Compensates For Head Gaske t Compression When The Cylinde rs Are Installed. This Helps P revent Blown Head Gaskets
Main Stud Kit, 2-Bolt Main Hex Nut
Suit SB Ford 289-302 Windsor
There Are Many Important Reaso ns To Use Arp Main Stud Kits, Including The Elimination Of M ain Cap Walk And Fretting, As Well As Protecting The Threads In Your Engine Block. The Stu ds Are Manufactured In Our Own Factory Using The Best Materi als, Processes, Designs And En gineering. Every Arp Main Stud Kit Exceeds The Most Stringen t Aerospace Specifications. Al l Kits Come Complete With Para llel-ground Washers And Aerosp ace Quality Nuts. Some Applica tions Have Provisions For Moun ting Windage Trays And Have Sp ecially Designed Standoff Stud s With Serrated Lock Nuts To P osition The Windage Tray And L ock It Securely In Place. The Studs Are Manufactured From 87 40 Chrome Moly Steel, Heat-tre ated In-house To 200,000 Psi T ensile Strength, And Precision J-form Threads Rolled After H eat-treat To Create A Fastener That Has Threads 1000% Strong er Than Others. Don't Settle F or Anything Less Than The Best . Insist On Genuine Arp Studs. you'll Find The Name Stamped R ight On The End!
Main Stud Kit, 2-Bolt Main Hex Nut
Suit SB Ford 351 Windsor
There Are Many Important Reaso ns To Use Arp Main Stud Kits, Including The Elimination Of M ain Cap Walk And Fretting, As Well As Protecting The Threads In Your Engine Block. The Stu ds Are Manufactured In Our Own Factory Using The Best Materi als, Processes, Designs And En gineering. Every Arp Main Stud Kit Exceeds The Most Stringen t Aerospace Specifications. Al l Kits Come Complete With Para llel-ground Washers And Aerosp ace Quality Nuts. Some Applica tions Have Provisions For Moun ting Windage Trays And Have Sp ecially Designed Standoff Stud s With Serrated Lock Nuts To P osition The Windage Tray And L ock It Securely In Place. The Studs Are Manufactured From 87 40 Chrome Moly Steel, Heat-tre ated In-house To 200,000 Psi T ensile Strength, And Precision J-form Threads Rolled After H eat-treat To Create A Fastener That Has Threads 1000% Strong er Than Others. Don't Settle F or Anything Less Than The Best . Insist On Genuine Arp Studs. you'll Find The Name Stamped R ight On The End!
FORD 289/302W W/1/2' STRAPS MSK
Main Stud Kit, 2-Bolt Main Hex Nut
Suit SB Ford 289-302 Windsor With Girdle (10 Studs 1/2" Longer)
There are many important reasons to use ARP main stud kits, including the elimination of main cap walk and fretting, as well as protecting the threads in your engine block. All kits come complete with hardened parallel-ground washers and high quality nuts. Some applications have provisions for mounting windage trays and have specially designed stand-off studs with serrated lock nuts to position the windage tray and lock it securely in place. The studs are manufactured from 8740 chrome moly steel, heat-treated in-house to 200,000 psi tensile strength, and precision J-form threads rolled after heat-treat to create a fastener that has threads 2000% stronger than others.
Head Stud Kit, Hex Nut
Suit BB Chev 396-454 With Aluminium Factory Heads & Early Bowtie
It Is For Good Reason That Vir tually Every Top Professional Engine Builder Relies On Arp P ro Series Head Studs For Their All-out Competition Powerplan ts. Simply Stated, There's Not A Better Stud Set Up On The M arket Today. For Openers, Arp Uses A Premium Grade 8740 Allo y That Is Rated Far Superior T o Aircraft Quality. Then Each Stud Is Placed Vertically In S pecial Racks And Precisely Hea t Treated To 200,000 Psi. This Procedure Ensures Complete He at Penetration And The Results Are Far Superior To Those Les ser Quality Studs From Other M anufacturers Who Just Dump Pie ces In A Basket And Hope For T he Best. You Will Also Note Th at Arp Offers Specially Underc ut Studs For Several Engines. This Procedure (done Only To T he Shorter Studs) More Equaliz es The Stretch Of Both Studs, Which Makes For A More Consist ent Clamping Force - And One T hat Compensates For Head Gaske t Compression When The Cylinde rs Are Installed. This Helps P revent Blown Head Gaskets, And Assures Optimum Sealing! Arp Head Stud Kits Are Available W ith Your Choice Of Conventiona l Hex Nuts Or Compact 12-point Nuts. Premium Quality Ground
Main Stud Kit, 2-Bolt Main Hex Nut
Suit BB Chev 396-454
There Are Many Important Reaso ns To Use Arp Main Stud Kits, Including The Elimination Of M ain Cap Walk And Fretting, As Well As Protecting The Threads In Your Engine Block. The Stu ds Are Manufactured In Our Own Factory Using The Best Materi als, Processes, Designs And En gineering. Every Arp Main Stud Kit Exceeds The Most Stringen t Aerospace Specifications. Al l Kits Come Complete With Para llel-ground Washers And Aerosp ace Quality Nuts. Some Applica tions Have Provisions For Moun ting Windage Trays And Have Sp ecially Designed Standoff Stud s With Serrated Lock Nuts To P osition The Windage Tray And L ock It Securely In Place. The Studs Are Manufactured From 87 40 Chrome Moly Steel, Heat-tre ated In-house To 200,000 Psi T ensile Strength, And Precision J-form Threads Rolled After H eat-treat To Create A Fastener That Has Threads 1000% Strong er Than Others. Don't Settle F or Anything Less Than The Best . Insist On Genuine Arp Studs. you'll Find The Name Stamped R ight On The End!
Carburettor Stud Kit, Hex Nut Black Oxide
Suit Carburettor With No Spacer 5/16" Thread x 1.700" OAL (4-Piece)
The Best Way To Make Sure That Carburettors Stay Perfectly S ealed To The Intake Is Through The Use Of Arp's Carb Studs, Which Feature J-form Threads T o Resist Loosening From Vibrat ion. There Offered In A Variet y Of Heights To Accomodate Mos t Any Combination Of Carb And Spacer, And They Are Available In 8740 Chrome Moly With A Bl ack Oxide Finish Or Rust-proof Stainless Steel. Special Arp Pro Series Nascar Type Stud Ki ts Have One Of These Studs Dri lled To Facilitate Sealing The Carburettor In The Engine By Race Officials. All Carb Stud Kits Come With Hex Nuts And Wa shers.
Carburettor Stud Kit, Hex Nut Black Oxide
Suit Carburettor With 1" Spacer 5/16" Thread x 2.700" OAL (4-Piece)
The Best Way To Make Sure That Carburettors Stay Perfectly S ealed To The Intake Is Through The Use Of Arp's Carb Studs, Which Feature J-form Threads T o Resist Loosening From Vibrat ion. There Offered In A Variet y Of Heights To Accomodate Mos t Any Combination Of Carb And Spacer, And They Are Available In 8740 Chrome Moly With A Bl ack Oxide Finish Or Rust-proof Stainless Steel. Special Arp Pro Series Nascar Type Stud Ki ts Have One Of These Studs Dri lled To Facilitate Sealing The Carburettor In The Engine By Race Officials. All Carb Stud Kits Come With Hex Nuts And Wa shers.
Carburettor Stud Kit, Hex Nut Black Oxide
Suit Carburettor With 1/2" Spacer 5/16" Thread x 2.225" OAL (4-Piece)
The Best Way To Make Sure That Carburettors Stay Perfectly S ealed To The Intake Is Through The Use Of Arp's Carb Studs, Which Feature J-form Threads T o Resist Loosening From Vibrat ion. There Offered In A Variet y Of Heights To Accomodate Mos t Any Combination Of Carb And Spacer, And They Are Available In 8740 Chrome Moly With A Bl ack Oxide Finish Or Rust-proof Stainless Steel. Special Arp Pro Series Nascar Type Stud Ki ts Have One Of These Studs Dri lled To Facilitate Sealing The Carburettor In The Engine By Race Officials. All Carb Stud Kits Come With Hex Nuts And Wa shers.
Carburettor Stud Kit, Hex Nut Black Oxide
Suit Carburettor With 2" Spacer 5/16" Thread x 3.700" OAL (4-Piece)
The Best Way To Make Sure That Carburettors Stay Perfectly S ealed To The Intake Is Through The Use Of Arp's Carb Studs, Which Feature J-form Threads T o Resist Loosening From Vibrat ion. There Offered In A Variet y Of Heights To Accomodate Mos t Any Combination Of Carb And Spacer, And They Are Available In 8740 Chrome Moly With A Bl ack Oxide Finish Or Rust-proof Stainless Steel. Special Arp Pro Series Nascar Type Stud Ki ts Have One Of These Studs Dri lled To Facilitate Sealing The Carburettor In The Engine By Race Officials. All Carb Stud Kits Come With Hex Nuts And Wa shers.
Carburettor Stud Kit, Hex Nut Black Oxide
Suit Carburettor With 3" Spacer 5/16" Thread x 4.700" OAL (4-Piece)
The Best Way To Make Sure That Carburettors Stay Perfectly S ealed To The Intake Is Through The Use Of Arp's Carb Studs, Which Feature J-form Threads T o Resist Loosening From Vibrat ion. There Offered In A Variet y Of Heights To Accomodate Mos t Any Combination Of Carb And Spacer, And They Are Available In 8740 Chrome Moly With A Bl ack Oxide Finish Or Rust-proof Stainless Steel. Special Arp Pro Series Nascar Type Stud Ki ts Have One Of These Studs Dri lled To Facilitate Sealing The Carburettor In The Engine By Race Officials. All Carb Stud Kits Come With Hex Nuts And Wa shers.
Valve Cover Stud Kit, Hex Nut Black Oxide
Suit Aluminium Valve Covers 1/4-20 Thread x 1.500" OAL (8-Pack)
Valve Cover Stud Kit, Hex Nut Black Oxide
Suit Aluminium Valve Covers 1/4-20 Thread x 1.500" OAL (14-Pack)
Valve Cover Stud Kit, 12-Point Nut Black Oxide
Suit Aluminium Valve Covers 1/4-20 Thread x 1.500" OAL (8-Pack)
Valve Cover Stud Kit, 12-Point Nut Black Oxide
Suit Aluminium Valve Covers 1/4-20 Thread x 1.500" OAL (14-Pack)
Head Stud Kit, Hex Nut
Suit Holden 253-304-308 With 12 Bolt Head (Carburetted), Hemi 6cyl & Ford 6cyl X-Flow
It Is For Good Reason That Vir tually Every Top Professional Engine Builder Relies On Arp P ro Series Head Studs For Their All-out Competition Powerplan ts. Simply Stated, There's Not A Better Stud Set Up On The M arket Today. For Openers, Arp Uses A Premium Grade 8740 Allo y That Is Rated Far Superior T o Aircraft Quality. Then Each Stud Is Placed Vertically In S pecial Racks And Precisely Hea t Treated To 200,000 Psi. This Procedure Ensures Complete He at Penetration And The Results Are Far Superior To Those Les ser Quality Studs From Other M anufacturers Who Just Dump Pie ces In A Basket And Hope For T he Best. You Will Also Note Th at Arp Offers Specially Underc ut Studs For Several Engines. This Procedure (done Only To T he Shorter Studs) More Equaliz es The Stretch Of Both Studs, Which Makes For A More Consist ent Clamping Force - And One T hat Compensates For Head Gaske t Compression When The Cylinde rs Are Installed. This Helps P revent Blown Head Gaskets
Head Stud Kit, 12-Point Nuts
Suit Holden VN-VT 304-308 5.0L With EFI Heads
Head Stud Kit, 12-Point Nut
Suit Holden 253-304-308 With 12 Bolt Head (Carburetted), Hemi 6cyl & Ford 6cyl X-Flow (Under Cut)
It Is For Good Reason That Virtually Every Top Professional Engine Builder Relies On Arp Pro Series Head Studs For Their All-out Competition Powerplants. Simply Stated, There's Not A Better Stud Set Up On The Market Today. For Openers, Arp Uses A Premium Grade 8740 Alloy That Is Rated Far Superior To Aircraft Quality. Then Each Stud Is Placed Vertically In Special Racks And Precisely Heat Treated To 200,000 Psi. This Procedure Ensures Complete Heat Penetration And The Results Are Far Superior To Those Lesser Quality Studs From Other Manufacturers Who Just Dump Pieces In A Basket And Hope For The Best. You Will Also Note That Arp Offers Specially Undercut Studs For Several Engines. This Procedure (done Only To The Shorter Studs) More Equalizes The Stretch Of Both Studs, Which Makes For A More Consistent Clamping Force - And One That Compensates For Head Gasket Compression When The Cylinders Are Installed. This Helps Prevent Blown Head Gaskets.
Main Stud Kit, 2-Bolt Main Hex Nut
Suit Holden 253-304-308
There Are Many Important Reaso ns To Use Arp Main Stud Kits, Including The Elimination Of M ain Cap Walk And Fretting, As Well As Protecting The Threads In Your Engine Block. The Stu ds Are Manufactured In Our Own Factory Using The Best Materi als, Processes, Designs And En gineering. Every Arp Main Stud Kit Exceeds The Most Stringen t Aerospace Specifications. Al l Kits Come Complete With Para llel-ground Washers And Aerosp ace Quality Nuts. Some Applica tions Have Provisions For Moun ting Windage Trays And Have Sp ecially Designed Standoff Stud s With Serrated Lock Nuts To P osition The Windage Tray And L ock It Securely In Place. The Studs Are Manufactured From 87 40 Chrome Moly Steel, Heat-tre ated In-house To 200,000 Psi T ensile Strength, And Precision J-form Threads Rolled After H eat-treat To Create A Fastener That Has Threads 1000% Strong er Than Others. Don't Settle F or Anything Less Than The Best . Insist On Genuine Arp Studs. you'll Find The Name Stamped R ight On
Flywheel Bolt Kit
Suit BMC 1600cc A Series & Holden 6cyl 3/8-24 Thread x .900" UHL
Arp Replacement Bolts Are Forg ed From Aerospace Alloy And He at Treated Prior To Thread Rol ling And Machining. With An Ex clusive, Flat, 12-point Head D esign And Larger Than Stock Sh ank Diameter These Bolts Deliv er Increased Strength And Impr oved Flywheel And Flexplate Re tention. Rated 170,000psi (hig h-perf.) And 190,000psi (pro-s eries) Tensile Strength.
Oil Pump Stud, Hex Nut
Suit SB/BB Chev With High Volume Pump, 3.125" OAL
Arp's Premium Grade Oil Pump B olt And Stud Kits In Black Oxi de Finished 8740 Chrome Moly. Rated At 170,000 Psi Tensile S trength To Provide Plenty Of C lamping Force. A Choice Of Hex Head Or 12-point Designs Is A vailable. Studs Come With Flat Washers And Nuts.
Torque Converter Bolt Kit
Suit GM TH350, TH400 & Powerglide With Production Converter, 3/8-24 Thread x .750" UHL
Torque Converter Bolt Kit
Suit GM TH350, TH400 & Powerglide With Most Aftermarket Converter, 7/16-20 Thread x .750" UHL
Torque Converter Bolt Kit
Suit GM TH700, 4L60 & 4L80 (3-Piece suit Car), M10 X 1.5 Thread x .590" UHL
You Can Forget About Ever Shea ring A Torque Converter Bolt A fter You Install An Arp Bolt K it. Specifically Engineered Fo r Each Application, These Bolt s Offer The Utmost In Strength And Reliability. Kits Come Wi th Hex Nuts And Hardened Paral lel-ground Washers. Rated 190, 000psi Tensile Strength.
Flexplate Bolt Kit,
Suit SB/BB Chev (With 2-Piece Main Sel), SB/BB Ford & Holden V8, 7/16" Thread x .980" UHL
Arp Replacement Bolts Are Forg ed From Aerospace Alloy And He at Treated Prior To Thread Rol ling And Machining. With An Ex clusive, Flat, 12-point Head D esign And Larger Than Stock Sh ank Diameter These Bolts Deliv er Increased Strength And Impr oved Flywheel And Flexplate Re tention. Rated 170,000psi (hig h-perf.) And 190,000psi (pro-s eries) Tensile Strength.
Conrod Bolt Set
Suit BB Chev 396-454 3/8" & Holden 308 L34 Rods
Unquestionably The Most Import ant Fasteners In Any Engine Ar e The Connecting Rod Bolts, As They Hold The Key To The Enti re Rotating Assembly. A Broken Bolt Will Lead To A Catastrop hic Engine Failure. As You Can Imagine, The Most Critical Jo int Is Where The Connecting Ro ds Mate. The Rod Bolts Must Su pport The Primary Tension Load s Caused By Each Rotation (or Cycle) Of The Crankshaft. When The Crank Rotates, The Big En d Of The Connecting Rod Essent ially Becomes Oval Shaped And The Rod Bolts Bend. As The Cra nkshaft Continues To Rotate, T he Rod Becomes Round Again. Wi th Alternating Tension Loads A nd Cyclic Bending Of The Bolts , It's Very Important To Insta ll Fasteners That Are Able Exe rt A Clamping Force Greater Th an The Load Imposed On The Joi nt (tension). In An Addition T o Utilizing A Rod Bolt With Su fficient Strength To Withstand The Tremendous Cyclic Strains Placed Upon It, It Is Absolut ely Imperative That The Bolts Be Properly Tightened. The Pre ferred Method Of Monitoring Th e Correct Amount Of Tension Is Through A Stretch Guage. This Is Far More Accurate Than A T ension Wrench Moreover Through Subsequently Checking The Rod Bolts Length At Teardowns, It Is Possible To Determine If I t Has Been Stressed Beyond Saf e Limits And Must Be Replaced.
Oil Pump Drive shaft
Suit BB Chev
Lose Oil Pressure And The Engi ne Is Trash! Now You Don't Hav e To Depend On A Stock Oil Pum p Drive Shaft In Your Expensiv e High Performance Or Wet Sump Racing Engine. Arp Oil Pump D rive Shafts Are Made From Heat Treated, Premium, Aerospace C hrome Moly. Plus, We've Increa sed The Body Diameter To Make It Tougher - More Able To Hand le The Added Torque Requiremen ts Of Increased Capacity Oil P umps Or Heavy Viscosity Racing Lubricants. Rated At 170,000p si The Added Tensile Strength Delivers Longer Service Life O f This Critical Component.
Conrod Bolt Set
Suit SB Chrysler 318-340-360 Wedge & 318-360 Magnum
Unquestionably The Most Import ant Fasteners In Any Engine Ar e The Connecting Rod Bolts, As They Hold The Key To The Enti re Rotating Assembly. A Broken Bolt Will Lead To A Catastrop hic Engine Failure. As You Can Imagine, The Most Critical Jo int Is Where The Connecting Ro ds Mate. The Rod Bolts Must Su pport The Primary Tension Load s Caused By Each Rotation (or Cycle) Of The Crankshaft. When The Crank Rotates, The Big En d Of The Connecting Rod Essent ially Becomes Oval Shaped And The Rod Bolts Bend. As The Cra nkshaft Continues To Rotate, T he Rod Becomes Round Again. Wi th Alternating Tension Loads A nd Cyclic Bending Of The Bolts , It's Very Important To Insta ll Fasteners That Are Able Exe rt A Clamping Force Greater Th an The Load Imposed On The Joi nt (tension). In An Addition T o Utilizing A Rod Bolt With Su fficient Strength To Withstand The Tremendous Cyclic Strains Placed Upon It, It Is Absolut ely Imperative That The Bolts Be Properly Tightened. The Pre ferred Method Of Monitoring Th e Correct Amount Of Tension Is Through A Stretch Guage. This Is Far More Accurate Than A T ension Wrench Moreover Through Subsequently Checking The Rod Bolts Length At Teardowns, It Is Possible To Determine If I t Has Been Stressed Beyond Saf e Limits And Must Be Replaced.
Pressure Plate Bolt Kit
Suit Ford SB/BB 289-460 (1985 & Earlier) 5/16-18 Thread
The Importance Of Pressure Pla te Bolts In A Racing Or Hi-per formance Street Application Ca nnot Be Emphasized Nearly Enou gh. These Fasteners Play A Key Role In Both The Performance And Safety Of A Vehicle. Becau se Of This, Arp Has Developed Special Pressure Plate Bolts T hat Are Application Specific T o Ensure The Optimum Grip Length.
arp Offers High Pe rformance Series Bolts That Ar e Made From A Premium Grade Ch rome Moly And Hardened To A No minal Tensile Strength Of 180, 000 Psi. The Pro Series Bolts, Orignally Developed For Nasca r Winston Cup Competition, Are Stronger And Rated At 200,000 Psi. Both Models Feature A La rge Diameter, Low-profile Desi gn. Complete With Washers.
FORD 302W-250/MG 5/16 ROD BOLTS
Conrod Bolt Set
Suit SB Ford 289-302 Windsor (5/16")
Unquestionably The Most Import ant Fasteners In Any Engine Ar e The Connecting Rod Bolts, As They Hold The Key To The Enti re Rotating Assembly. A Broken Bolt Will Lead To A Catastrop hic Engine Failure. As You Can Imagine, The Most Critical Jo int Is Where The Connecting Ro ds Mate. The Rod Bolts Must Su pport The Primary Tension Load s Caused By Each Rotation (or Cycle) Of The Crankshaft. When The Crank Rotates, The Big En d Of The Connecting Rod Essent ially Becomes Oval Shaped And The Rod Bolts Bend. As The Cra nkshaft Continues To Rotate, T he Rod Becomes Round Again. Wi th Alternating Tension Loads A nd Cyclic Bending Of The Bolts , It's Very Important To Insta ll Fasteners That Are Able Exe rt A Clamping Force Greater Th an The Load Imposed On The Joi nt (tension). In An Addition T o Utilizing A Rod Bolt With Su fficient Strength To Withstand The Tremendous Cyclic Strains Placed Upon It, It Is Absolut ely Imperative That The Bolts Be Properly Tightened. The Pre ferred Method Of Monitoring Th e Correct Amount Of Tension Is Through A Stretch Guage. This Is Far More Accurate Than A T ension Wrench Moreover Through Subsequently Checking The Rod Bolts Length At Teardowns, It Is Possible To Determine If I t Has Been Stressed Beyond Saf e Limits And Must Be Replaced.
Conrod Bolt Set
Suit Ford 302-351 Cleveland
Unquestionably The Most Import ant Fasteners In Any Engine Ar e The Connecting Rod Bolts, As They Hold The Key To The Enti re Rotating Assembly. A Broken Bolt Will Lead To A Catastrop hic Engine Failure. As You Can Imagine, The Most Critical Jo int Is Where The Connecting Ro ds Mate. The Rod Bolts Must Su pport The Primary Tension Load s Caused By Each Rotation (or Cycle) Of The Crankshaft. When The Crank Rotates, The Big En d Of The Connecting Rod Essent ially Becomes Oval Shaped And The Rod Bolts Bend. As The Cra nkshaft Continues To Rotate, T he Rod Becomes Round Again. Wi th Alternating Tension Loads A nd Cyclic Bending Of The Bolts , It's Very Important To Insta ll Fasteners That Are Able Exe rt A Clamping Force Greater Th an The Load Imposed On The Joi nt (tension). In An Addition T o Utilizing A Rod Bolt With Su fficient Strength To Withstand The Tremendous Cyclic Strains Placed Upon It, It Is Absolut ely Imperative That The Bolts Be Properly Tightened. The Pre ferred Method Of Monitoring Th e Correct Amount Of Tension Is Through A Stretch Guage. This Is Far More Accurate Than A T ension Wrench Moreover Through Subsequently Checking The Rod Bolts Length At Teardowns, It Is Possible To Determine If I t Has Been Stressed Beyond Saf e Limits And Must Be Replaced.
Bellhousing Bolt Kit, Hex Nut Black Oxide
Suit SB Ford 289-302-351 Windsor (Automatic Transmission) 7/16-14 Thread x 1.500" UHL
These premium grade bolt and stud kits are engineered to properly engage the engine block threads and resist loosening. They're application-specific, and come in your choice of black oxide finished chrome moly or rust-proof stainless steel, with handy 12-point or standard hex heads. Washers and nuts included where applicable.
Camshaft Bolt Kit
Suit SB Ford 289-302 Windsor (1965-68) 3/8-16 x 1.460" UHL
Install An Arp Cam Bolt Kit An d End Your Camshaft Timing Wor ries ! Arp Quality Delivers In creased Pre-load Clamping Forc e And Assures Positive Timing Gear Register. Includes Approp riate Fasteners For Your Appli cation. Increased Material Str ength Overcomes Valve Train Ha rmonics And Stress. Added Feat ures Include Oversized Bolt He ad Flange For Cam Button Reten tion And Reduced Socket Head S ize To Facilitate Easy Install ation And Removal.
Camshaft Bolt Kit
Suit Ford 302-351 Cleveland 3/8-16 x 1.970" UHL
Install An Arp Cam Bolt Kit An d End Your Camshaft Timing Wor ries ! Arp Quality Delivers In creased Pre-load Clamping Forc e And Assures Positive Timing Gear Register. Includes Approp riate Fasteners For Your Appli cation. Increased Material Str ength Overcomes Valve Train Ha rmonics And Stress. Added Feat ures Include Oversized Bolt He ad Flange For Cam Button Reten tion And Reduced Socket Head S ize To Facilitate Easy Install ation And Removal.
Timing Cover & Water Pump Bolt Kit, Hex Head Black Oxide
Suit SB Ford 289-302 Windsor With Aluminium Pump
We Have An Assortment Of Premi um Quality Stainless Steel And Black Oxide Finish 8740 Chrom e Moly Bolts For The Most Popu lar Applications. Washers Incl uded.
Intake Manifold Bolt Kit Hex Head, Black Oxide
Suit Ford 302-351 Cleveland, 351M, 400B
2001prevent Intake Manifold Le aks With Arp's Quality Fatener s. They Are Rated At 170,000 P si And Precision Machined For Optimum Thread Engagement. Wid e Underhead Flange And Compani on Washes Provide Even Load Di stribution. Precision Rolled T hreads Prevent Galling While P romoting More Consistent Torqu e Loading. Facilitates Optimum Sealing Of Gasket Surfaces. W ashers Included.
Intake Manifold Bolt Kit, 12-Point Head Black Oxide
Suit SB Ford 283-302-351 Windsor (Uses 3/8" Socket)
Prevent Intake Manifold Leaks With Arp's Quality Fateners. T hey Are Rated At 170,000 Psi A nd Precision Machined For Opti mum Thread Engagement. Wide Un derhead Flange And Companion W ashes Provide Even Load Distri bution. Precision Rolled Threa ds Prevent Galling While Promo ting More Consistent Torque Lo ading. Facilitates Optimum Sea ling Of Gasket Surfaces. Washe rs Included.
Harmonic Balancer Bolt, 12-Point Black Oxide
Suit Ford 351 Cleveland & Holden 253-304-308 5/8-18 Thread x 1.800" UHL, 5/8" Socket
As The Crankshaft Flexes And T wists, The Balancer Absorbs In credible Amounts Of Kinetic En ergy. To Ensure That The Balan cer Is Locked In Position Arp Has Developed These Ultra Stro ng 200,000 Psi Bolts That Let You Exert Maximum Clamping For ce. Special Features Include 1 /4 Thick, Wide Area Washer And An Extra Tall 12-point Head T hat Accepts A Deep Socket And Aliminates The Worry Of Stripp ing The Head.
Head Bolt Set, Hex Head
Suit SB Ford 289-302 Windsor With OEM Heads Or Edelbrock 60259, 60379 Heads
High Performance Series
hi gh Performance Head Bolts Are Available With A Reduced Wrenc hing Hex Or 12-point And Wide Area Flanged Head That Elimina tes The Need For Valve Train R emoval To Facilitate Cylinder Head Retorquing. All High Perf ormance Series Bolts Are 180,0 00 Psi (which Is 15% Stronger Than Grade 8) And Kits Come Co mplete With Hardened Parallel- ground Washers.
Head Bolt Set, Hex Head
Suit SB Ford 351 Windsor With OEM Heads Or Edelbrock 60259, 60379 Heads
High Performance Series
hi gh Performance Head Bolts Are Available With A Reduced Wrenc hing Hex Or 12-point And Wide Area Flanged Head That Elimina tes The Need For Valve Train R emoval To Facilitate Cylinder Head Retorquing. All High Perf ormance Series Bolts Are 180,0 00 Psi (which Is 15% Stronger Than Grade 8) And Kits Come Co mplete With Hardened Parallel- ground Washers.
Head Bolt Set, Hex Head
Suit Ford 302-351 Cleveland
High Performance Series
hi gh Performance Head Bolts Are Available With A Reduced Wrenc hing Hex Or 12-point And Wide Area Flanged Head That Elimina tes The Need For Valve Train R emoval To Facilitate Cylinder Head Retorquing. All High Perf ormance Series Bolts Are 180,0 00 Psi (which Is 15% Stronger Than Grade 8) And Kits Come Co mplete With Hardened Parallel- ground Washers.
Conrod Bolt Set
Suit SB Chev 265-283-327 (Small Journal) & Holden 253-308 11/32"
Unquestionably The Most Import ant Fasteners In Any Engine Ar e The Connecting Rod Bolts, As They Hold The Key To The Enti re Rotating Assembly. A Broken Bolt Will Lead To A Catastrop hic Engine Failure. As You Can Imagine, The Most Critical Jo int Is Where The Connecting Ro ds Mate. The Rod Bolts Must Su pport The Primary Tension Load s Caused By Each Rotation (or Cycle) Of The Crankshaft. When The Crank Rotates, The Big En d Of The Connecting Rod Essent ially Becomes Oval Shaped And The Rod Bolts Bend. As The Cra nkshaft Continues To Rotate, T he Rod Becomes Round Again. Wi th Alternating Tension Loads A nd Cyclic Bending Of The Bolts , It's Very Important To Insta ll Fasteners That Are Able Exe rt A Clamping Force Greater Th an The Load Imposed On The Joi nt (tension). In An Addition T o Utilizing A Rod Bolt With Su fficient Strength To Withstand The Tremendous Cyclic Strains Placed Upon It, It Is Absolut ely Imperative That The Bolts Be Properly Tightened. The Pre ferred Method Of Monitoring Th e Correct Amount Of Tension Is Through A Stretch Guage. This Is Far More Accurate Than A T ension Wrench Moreover Through Subsequently Checking The Rod Bolts Length At Teardowns, It Is Possible To Determine If I t Has Been Stressed Beyond Saf e Limits And Must Be Replaced
Conrod Bolt Set
Suit SB Chev 305-307-327-350 (Large Journal) 3/8"
Unquestionably The Most Import ant Fasteners In Any Engine Ar e The Connecting Rod Bolts, As They Hold The Key To The Enti re Rotating Assembly. A Broken Bolt Will Lead To A Catastrop hic Engine Failure. As You Can Imagine, The Most Critical Jo int Is Where The Connecting Ro ds Mate. The Rod Bolts Must Su pport The Primary Tension Load s Caused By Each Rotation (or Cycle) Of The Crankshaft. When The Crank Rotates, The Big En d Of The Connecting Rod Essent ially Becomes Oval Shaped And The Rod Bolts Bend. As The Cra nkshaft Continues To Rotate, T he Rod Becomes Round Again. Wi th Alternating Tension Loads A nd Cyclic Bending Of The Bolts , It's Very Important To Insta ll Fasteners That Are Able Exe rt A Clamping Force Greater Th an The Load Imposed On The Joi nt (tension). In An Addition T o Utilizing A Rod Bolt With Su fficient Strength To Withstand The Tremendous Cyclic Strains Placed Upon It, It Is Absolut ely Imperative That The Bolts Be Properly Tightened. The Pre ferred Method Of Monitoring Th e Correct Amount Of Tension Is Through A Stretch Guage. This Is Far More Accurate Than A T ension Wrench Moreover Through Subsequently Checking The Rod Bolts Length At Teardowns, It Is Possible To Determine If I t Has Been Stressed Beyond Saf e Limits And Must Be Replaced
Conrod Bolt Set
Suit SB Chev Gen III/IV LS Series (Except LS7 & LS9) "Cracked Cap Design" - Hi-Perf 8740
8740 CHROME MOLY: Until the development of today's modern alloys, chrome moly was popularly considered a high strength material. Now viewed as only moderate strength, 8740 chrome moly is seen as a good tough steel, with adequate fatigue properties for most racing applications, but only if the threads are rolled after heat-treatment, as is the standard ARP production practice. Typically, chrome moly is classified as a quench and temper steel, that can be heat-treated to deliver tensile strengths between 180,000 and 210,000 psi.
Oil Pump Driveshaft
Suit SB Chev
Lose Oil Pressure And The Engi ne Is Trash! Now You Don't Hav e To Depend On A Stock Oil Pum p Drive Shaft In Your Expensiv e High Performance Or Wet Sump Racing Engine. Arp Oil Pump D rive Shafts Are Made From Heat Treated, Premium, Aerospace C hrome Moly. Plus, We've Increa sed The Body Diameter To Make It Tougher - More Able To Hand le The Added Torque Requiremen ts Of Increased Capacity Oil P umps Or Heavy Viscosity Racing Lubricants. Rated At 170,000p si The Added Tensile Strength Delivers Longer Service Life O f This Critical Component.
Harmonic Balancer Bolt, 12-Point Black Oxide
Suit BB Chev 1/2-20 Thread x 1.550" UHL, 5/8" Socket
As The Crankshaft Flexes And T wists, The Balancer Absorbs In credible Amounts Of Kinetic En ergy. To Ensure That The Balan cer Is Locked In Position Arp Has Developed These Ultra Stro ng 200,000 Psi Bolts That Let You Exert Maximum Clamping For ce. Special Features Include 1 /4 Thick, Wide Area Washer And An Extra Tall 12-point Head T hat Accepts A Deep Socket And Aliminates The Worry Of Stripp ing The Head.
Head Bolt Kit, Hex Head
Suit BB Chev 396-454 Cast Irom OEM Heads
High Performance Series
hi gh Performance Head Bolts Are Available With A Reduced Wrenc hing Hex Or 12-point And Wide Area Flanged Head That Elimina tes The Need For Valve Train R emoval To Facilitate Cylinder Head Retorquing. All High Perf ormance Series Bolts Are 180,0 00 Psi (which Is 15% Stronger Than Grade 8) And Kits Come Co mplete With Hardened Parallel- ground Washers.
Camshaft Bolt Kit
Suit GM LS Series Cam Retainer Plate Bolt Kit M8 X 1.25 X 20mm UHL
Install An Arp Cam Bolt Kit An d End Your Camshaft Timing Wor ries ! Arp Quality Delivers In creased Pre-load Clamping Forc e And Assures Positive Timing Gear Register. Includes Approp riate Fasteners For Your Appli cation. Increased Material Str ength Overcomes Valve Train Ha rmonics And Stress. Added Feat ures Include Oversized Bolt He ad Flange For Cam Button Reten tion And Reduced Socket Head S ize To Facilitate Easy Install ation And Removal.
Intake Manifold Bolt Kit, Hex Head Black Oxide
Suit SB Chev
Prevent Intake Manifold Leaks With Arp's Quality Fateners. T hey Are Rated At 170,000 Psi A nd Precision Machined For Opti mum Thread Engagement. Wide Un derhead Flange And Companion W ashes Provide Even Load Distri bution. Precision Rolled Threa ds Prevent Galling While Promo ting More Consistent Torque Lo ading. Facilitates Optimum Sea ling Of Gasket Surfaces. Washe rs Included.
Intake Manifold Bolt Kit, 12-Point Black Oxide
Small Block Chev
Prevent Intake Manifold Leaks With Arp's Quality Fateners. T hey Are Rated At 170,000 Psi A nd Precision Machined For Opti mum Thread Engagement. Wide Un derhead Flange And Companion W ashes Provide Even Load Distri bution. Precision Rolled Threa ds Prevent Galling While Promo ting More Consistent Torque Lo ading. Facilitates Optimum Sea ling Of Gasket Surfaces. Washe rs Included.
Pressure Plate Bolt Kit, Hex Head Black Oxide
Suit GM LS Series (10" & 11" Clutch) .750" O.D, M10 X 1.5 Thread
The Importance Of Pressure Pla te Bolts In A Racing Or Hi-per formance Street Application Ca nnot Be Emphasized Nearly Enou gh. These Fasteners Play A Key Role In Both The Performance And Safety Of A Vehicle. Becau se Of This, Arp Has Developed Special Pressure Plate Bolts T hat Are Application Specific T o Ensure The Optimum Grip Length.
arp Offers High Performance Series Bolts That Ar e Made From A Premium Grade Ch rome Moly And Hardened To A No minal Tensile Strength Of 180, 000 Psi. The Pro Series Bolts, Orignally Developed For Nasca r Winston Cup Competition, Are Stronger And Rated At 200,000 Psi. Both Models Feature A La rge Diameter, Low-profile Desi gn. Complete With Washers.
Harmonic Balancer Bolt, 12-Point Black Oxide
Suit SB Chev 7/16-20 Thread x 2.470" UHL, 5/8" Socket
As the crankshaft flexes and twists, the harmonic damper absorbs incredible amounts of kinetic energy. To ensure that the damper is locked in position, ARP has developed these ultra strong 200,000 psi bolts that let you exert maximum clamping force. Special features include 1/4" thick, wide area washer and an extra tall 12-point head that accepts a deep socket and eliminates the worry of stripping the head.
Head Bolt Set, Hex Head
Suit SB Chev With 23° Heads
SB Chev Head Application
Cast Iron OEM
Gen III Vortec/Truck
Most Edelbrock
Brodix -8,-10, -11,-11XB
Trick Flow
Most World Products
Head Bolt Set, Hex Head
Suit GM LS Series (2003 & Earlier)
High Performance Series
hi gh Performance Head Bolts Are Available With A Reduced Wrenc hing Hex Or 12-point And Wide Area Flanged Head That Elimina tes The Need For Valve Train R emoval To Facilitate Cylinder Head Retorquing. All High Perf ormance Series Bolts Are 180,0 00 Psi (which Is 15% Stronger Than Grade 8) And Kits Come Co mplete With Hardened Parallel- ground Washers.
Head Bolt Set, 12-Point Pro Series
Suit GM LS Series With All Same Length Bolts (2004-On)
All Pro Series bolts are cold-forged to ensure molecular integrity, heat-treated prior to thread rolling and machining, and are rated nominally at 200,000 psi. ARP Pro Series head bolt kits are application specific – designed for use with typically competition only components. These fasteners deliver superior strength and meet the ARP “ZERO defect – ZERO failure” quality standard. Hardened and parallel-ground washers are included with each kit to ensure even load distribution and accurate torque readings. All Pro Series head bolts have a reduced wrenching hex or 12-point head and wide area flange to eliminate the need for valve train removal for cylinder head retorquing and permits the use of larger diameter valve springs. Most applications have undercut short bolts that can help eliminate head gasket failures through providing more “stretch” to compensate for the additional compression of gaskets.
Exhaust Header Bolt Kit, Hex Head Black Oxide
Suit SB Chev 3/8" Thread X .750" UHL (12 Pack)
Exhaust Header Bolt Kit, Hex Head Black Oxide
Suit BB Chev 3/8" Thread X .750" UHL (16 Pack)
Premium Grade Bolt And Stud Ki ts To Facilitate Installation Of Exhaust Headers. The Stainl ess 300 Material Is Not Affect ed By Corrosion Or Extreme Hea t. Compact 12-point Design Let s You Easily Slip A Socket Clo se To The Pipe. Kits Include S pecific Number Of Parts For Yo ur Application, Premium Grade Washers And Hex Or 12 Point Nu ts. Studs Are Manufactured Wit h A Unique Nut Starter Nose Th at Helps Prevent Cross Threadi ng. Studs And Bolts Come In Ei ther Black Oxide Chrome Moly O r Stainless 300, Both Are Rate d At 170,000 Psi.
Exhaust Header Bolt Kit, Hex Head Black Oxide
Suit BB Chev 3/8" Thread X 1.000" UHL (16 Pack)
ARP manufactures a variety of premium grade bolt and stud kits to facilitate installation of exhaust headers including the popular stainless stud kit with 12-point nuts. The Stainless material is not affected by corrosion or extreme heat, making it ideal for the application. What's more, the compact 12-point nut lets you easily slip a socket close to the pipe. Each ARP accessory stud or bolt kit includes the specific number of parts for your application, plus premium-quality washers and hex or 12-point nuts, as required. Studs are manufactured with a unique nut-starter nose that helps prevent cross threading. Studs and bolts come either black oxide chrome moly or Stainless. Both are nominally rated at 180,000 psi tensile strength; substantially stronger than Grade 8 hardware. Specially drilled NASCAR models are available for those who wish to safety to prevent loosening.
Exhaust Header Bolt Kit, Hex Head Black Oxide
Suit SB Chev 3/8" Thread X .750" UHL (16 Pack)
Premium Grade Bolt And Stud Ki ts To Facilitate Installation Of Exhaust Headers. The Stainl ess 300 Material Is Not Affect ed By Corrosion Or Extreme Hea t. Compact 12-point Design Let s You Easily Slip A Socket Clo se To The Pipe. Kits Include S pecific Number Of Parts For Yo ur Application, Premium Grade Washers And Hex Or 12 Point Nu ts. Studs Are Manufactured Wit h A Unique Nut Starter Nose Th at Helps Prevent Cross Threadi ng. Studs And Bolts Come In Ei ther Black Oxide Chrome Moly O r Stainless 300, Both Are Rate d At 170,000 Psi.
HEADER STUDS 3/8 12PT 1.6uhl (16)
Exhaust Header Stud Kit, 12-Point Nut Black Oxide
Suit BB Chev 3/8" X 1.670" OAL (16 Pack)
Premium Grade Bolt And Stud Kits To Facilitate Installation Of Exhaust Headers. The Stainless 300 Material Is Not Affected By Corrosion Or Extreme Heat. Compact 12-point Design Let s You Easily Slip A Socket Close To The Pipe. Kits Include Specific Number Of Parts For Your Application, Premium Grade Washers And Hex Or 12 Point Nuts. Studs Are Manufactured With A Unique Nut Starter Nose That Helps Prevent Cross Threading. Studs And Bolts Come In Either Black Oxide Chrome Moly or Stainless 300, Both Are Rate d At 170,000psi.
Bellhousing To Engine Block Bolt Kit
Suit Chev V6-V8, Black Oxide, 12-Point Head, 3/8-16, 1.375" UHL
These premium grade bolt and stud kits are engineered to properly engage the engine block threads and resist loosening. They're application-specific, and come in your choice of black oxide finished chrome moly or rust-proof stainless steel, with handy 12-point or standard hex heads. Washers and nuts included where applicable.
Pressure Plate Bolt Kit
Suit SB/BB Chev 3/8-16
The Importance Of Pressure Pla te Bolts In A Racing Or Hi-per formance Street Application Ca nnot Be Emphasized Nearly Enou gh. These Fasteners Play A Key Role In Both The Performance And Safety Of A Vehicle. Becau se Of This, Arp Has Developed Special Pressure Plate Bolts T hat Are Application Specific T o Ensure The Optimum Grip Leng th.
arp Offers High Pe rformance Series Bolts That Ar e Made From A Premium Grade Ch rome Moly And Hardened To A No minal Tensile Strength Of 180, 000 Psi. The Pro Series Bolts, Orignally Developed For Nasca r Winston Cup Competition, Are Stronger And Rated At 200,000 Psi. Both Models Feature A La rge Diameter, Low-profile Desi gn. Complete With Washers.
TOYOTA 3SGTE FLYWHEEL BOLTS 12mm x 1.25mm (8) RB30
Flywheel Bolt Kit
Suit Toyota 2.0L 3SGTE DOHC & Nissan RB30ET (8-pieces) M12 X 1.25 Thread x 1.000" UHL
Arp Replacement Bolts Are Forg ed From Aerospace Alloy And He at Treated Prior To Thread Rol ling And Machining. With An Ex clusive, Flat, 12-point Head D esign And Larger Than Stock Sh ank Diameter These Bolts Deliv er Increased Strength And Impr oved Flywheel And Flexplate Re tention. Rated 170,000psi (hig h-perf.) And 190,000psi (pro-s eries) Tensile Strength.
Flywheel Bolt Kit
Suit Toyota 1.6L 4AGE DOHC (8-pieces) M10 X 1.25 Thread x 1.050" UHL
Arp Replacement Bolts Are Forg ed From Aerospace Alloy And He at Treated Prior To Thread Rol ling And Machining. With An Ex clusive, Flat, 12-point Head D esign And Larger Than Stock Sh ank Diameter These Bolts Deliv er Increased Strength And Impr oved Flywheel And Flexplate Re tention. Rated 170,000psi (hig h-perf.) And 190,000psi (pro-s eries) Tensile Strength.